2024 Juniors Tournament

July 13 - Body Armour Doubles
8:00am - 8:30am Registration, 9:00am Start

Helpful Information when Registering a Team:                  

If you are new to Mango’s online, as a parent you will have to create an account in your name.  
After you create an account in your name,  click “add a child” and fill in your child’s information.  
Once you are done, click register & .....

Select    Enroll in a program 
Select    YOUR NAME (not your child's name) in Enrollee box
Select    Program - July13 Juniors doubles
Select    Offering  (ex.  girls 16 & under) 

Click Add enrollment
Click Proceed to Checkout
Follow the checkout steps.      
You will add your roster (your child & their partner) after you check out.